Trademark Renewal Lucknow

Apply for your trademark renewal online with our services. Once renewed, a certificate of renewal is issued to the owner of the trademark.

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What is Trademark Renewal Lucknow?

Registered trademarks have a 10-year validity and can be renewed indefinitely. A trademark can be renewed, 6 months before the date of expiry. A notice will be sent to your registered address before the date of expiry.

If you still do not file for renewal, the registrar may advertise its intention to remove the trademark in the Trade Marks Journal. This is, however, likely to happen only 12 months after the expiry date. Between 6 and 12 months after expiry, by paying a trademark renewal fee through a process called ‘restoration’.

Benefits of Trademark Renewal Lucknow

Extension of Ownership Rights
Through our Trademark Renewal Process get guaranteed exclusive rights over the trademark are extended for 10 years after each renewal.
Brand Name Security
Trademark Renewal Lucknow promises continuous and unhindered protection of the brand name. Failure of renewal leads to a lapse of legal protection in Brand name.
Monetary Returns
Registered trademarks have the exclusive rights to assign or license the mark to someone else in return of some monetary compensation. Thus, one can make a profit from a registered trademark as well.

Documents Required for Trademark Renewal Lucknow

Proof of Applicant
PAN Card and Address Proof of Applicant Certificate of registration (other than Individual applicant)
TM Certificate
Trademark registration certificate issued by Registry
Power of Attorney
It allows the attorney to file the trademark renewal application on your behalf with the trademark registry
Copy of TM-A
The application filed with the TM Registry for its registration is to be provided

How BharatRegister Helps With The Trademark Renewal Process


As soon as you send us your details, a representative from our trademark renewal service will get in touch to find out more about your requirements and explain the process and charges to you. Charges would depend on whether you need the trademark renewed or restored. The trademark renewal fee is Rs. 5000 in government fees, while restoration costs Rs. 8000.

Renewal Application

Our trademark renewal service at Bharatregister will start working on your Trademark Renewal application and prepare the relevant documents. Either Form-10 or Form-12 would need to be filed with the registrar, along with renewal fees.


We will keep you up-to-date on the status of your application, and within four to five months you will receive confirmation that your trademark has been renewed for another 10 years.

Trademark Renewal Registration Process

There are two kinds of renewal:

  • Alteration and change of sign or logo of the registered trademark.
  • Application made without any change of trademark.

The procedure is as follows-

  • An trademark renewal application is made in the form of TM-R.
  • The trademark renewal application can be filed by either the registered owner of the trademark or an agent authorized by him.
  • Filing a trademark renewal application for trademark, renews it for another 10 years.
  • After filing the Trademark Renewal application, it is very important to check the status of your application periodically until it is processed by the registrar.
  • The Trademark Journal is an official gazette of the Trademark registry which governs the application status whether it is accepted or not. If accepted then it is advertised in the Trademark Journal. Therefore, the renewal process should begin 3 to 6 months before the expiry of the trademark.
  • Form-18 is used to file the application, with the requisite fees. The application is reviewed for quality before it is finally approved for renewal.

Make Application in 3 Easy Steps

1. Follow Quick Process
  • Pick the best suitable Package
  • Spare less than 10 minutes to fill out our online Questionnaire
  • Upload required documents
  • Make quick payment through our secured gateways
2. Experts at Bharatregister are here to help
  • Assigned Relationship Manager
  • Consultation regarding the renewal
  • Provide Application No & TM Registration Certificate
  • Preparation & Filing of Application
3. Start Using TM now!
  • All it takes is 3 – 4 working days.

A trademark expires after a period of 10 years. It is ideal to apply for a trademark renewal in India 6 months before the end date but not 1 year prior to the end date. A trademark renewal fee will be charged.

A trademark renewal online application has to be filed with the assistance of a registered trademark attorney in India. A trademark renewal fee has to be paid along side this. A notice will be sent by the registrar before the expiry date of the trademark. Once the time has come to an end, the trademark will be removed from the registration. A six month extension is given once you missed the renewal date with the payment of additional trademark renewal fee.
Since the time has lapsed and the trademark will be removed  from the register. This gives chance for anyone to claim and register it.

Usually a trademark is valid only in the country it is registered or filled in. Nevertheless, you can register it in other countries individually or by using CTM or WIPO to apply to multiple countries.

Compare and know which Intellectual Property protects you Product

Managing Your Business

Trademark Registration

Provisional Patent

Permanent Patent


Governing Act

Trade Marks Act, 1999

The Patents Act, 1970

The Patents Act, 1970

The Copyright Act, 1957

Registration Requirement

Mandatory for claiming exclusive right




Most likely used for

Logo, Design, Packing Material, Name of Business / Company

New invention idea with a prototype

New invention idea with a prototype

All types of original artistic, dramatic or musical works

Symbolic Representation

After application â„¢
After registration ®

No symbol

No symbol


Valid for

Trademark once registered is valid for 10 years which can be renewed

Provisional patents valid for 12 months during which complete specification must be filed

A permanent patent is valid for 20 years including the year of provisional patent filing

In addition to lifetime validity of creator it remains valid till 60 years after his death

Here's How it Works

1. Fill Form
Simply fill the above form to get started.
2. Call to discuss
Our startup expert will connect with you & prepare documents.
3. Get Certificate
Get your company incorporation certificate

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Trademark Renewal Lucknow

Each business type comes with its own set of legal requirements and regulations and businesses should pay special attention to them before incorporating the business.